Reflecting on 2024
It is a wonderful feeling to be genuinely sad about having to take time off over the Christmas break. Whilst I am looking forward to spending time with Pete, the kids, extended family and friends, l am going to miss my daily connections with what have over the months become my soul clients.
When l started out a few years back, a passage from a book really resonated. It described the different stages work played in our lives. In the beginning you will have a job – this is something you do whilst at uni or to simply make some extra cash…from here you will form a career. This is something more substantial – it takes up most of your time, you will take many forms – a boss, manager, worker. It doesn’t really fill your cup but it is what “grown up’s” have to do and is seen as a sacrifice. The balance between life and work when you are in your career is not always even…you tend to always feel underpaid and not appreciated for what you have to offer.
And then, there are the lucky ones, who move through this period and find their “Vocation”…this is it! If you reach this sweet spot in your life, you can hand on heart, honestly say you have made it! A vocation by definition (from Latin vocatio ‘a call, summons’) is an occupation to which a person is especially drawn or for which they are suited, trained or qualified.
I am grateful on so many levels…to my husband…his support, love and understanding has made this dream a reality. He was once asked if he believed in what l did…his response “I don’t need to believe in this. I see a fundamental change in Kirst everyday. Whatever she is doing, is working!”
To my soul clients…they return time and time again. Each session going deeper and taking us places we can only dream…..there is transformation, releasing and letting go. It is beautiful to watch and an absolute honour to be apart of
To my friends and family… l ventured deep into this holistic journey, l have changed in many ways…strength and a deep understanding and appreciation of who l am and what l am worthy of. My friendship group has gotten smaller….and tighter…..l am clear with my boundaries and what l am willing to put up with. I have an incredible amount of compassion whilst holding a strong shield around bullshit! There has been little to no judgement ( that l know…) like my husband, l feel the change l emanate is a clear sign that what l have discovered…what l now practise daily and what l get to teach to others is life changing…its transformational….and it is a sure fire way to bring more joy, abundance, love, clarity, kindness and stillness into our lives.
So has 2024 been a good year? Without a doubt….YES! Is it the best year? Without a doubt NO….. every new day from here on is a gift and something l have committed to celebrating. There is so much joy to be had in the days to come that l can’t wait to get going……
Merry Christmas my friends xxxx
Can’t wait to see you all back here in Jan 2025 – till then, l wish you holistic health, happiness and abundance