“These sessions have become an integral part of my wellbeing and l look forward to them every month. Over time l have felt the heaviness inside  me lift, my health has improved and l feel a deeper connection to my body and its needs.” Kim, Chatswood


Intuitive Reiki Healings

Reiki is a holistic approach to healing and based around the idea of life flowing through our bodies. When this energy becomes disrupted or blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, or mental imbalances. By channeling and directing this energy through the hands, we can restore balance and promote healing.
Description – Our bodies are energy centres, each with their own limitless flow of natural energy and they have the ability to communicate with us when something is out of balance. The flow can become weakened or blocked due to stress, low energy levels, illnesses, aches, pains or an emotional, mental or subconscious reaction we have had to an experience in our past or present lives. In each session, our intention is to allow energy to flow freely, promoting relaxation, reducing stress and supporting the bodies natural healing processes. 

Reiki sessions are designed to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to well-being. Combining various modalities such as Reiki, ThetaHealing, Chakra Balancing, crystals, aromatherapy, and connecting with the Higher Self and Spirit team creates a diverse and personalized experience for individuals seeking healing.

Reiki is known for promoting relaxation and stress reduction, ThetaHealing focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns, Chakra Balancing aims to align and harmonize energy centres, crystals have their own unique vibrational properties, and aromatherapy with essential oils can have emotional and physical benefits. The incorporation of these elements enables us to address both physical and energetic aspects of well-being.

Tuning into the client’s Higher Self and Spirit team adds a spiritual dimension to the session, providing guidance and insight beyond the immediate physical and emotional concerns. This can offer a more profound and transformative experience for individuals seeking not only relief from immediate issues but also a deeper understanding of themselves and their life path.

Clients appreciate the personalized attention to their current life situations and the exploration of potential blocks or stagnation. The goal of leaving clients feeling clearer, balanced, and empowered suggests a focus on overall harmony and empowerment.

Kirstie communicates clearly with clients about what they can expect from the session, the different modalities involved, and any potential benefits. Additionally, providing a safe and supportive space for her clients to share their experiences and emotions which enhances the therapeutic impact of the sessions. 

I have never had a Reiki session before, but l went with an open mind. I was instantly put at ease by the peaceful and calming ambiance Kirstie had created in the room. I felt relaxed immediately. The whole experience was calming, gentle and peaceful. Afterwards, l felt like l was floating on air. I had been experiencing some back pain for a while, but the night after my session, l had none whatsoever. I slept peacefully and woke up feeling wonderful. I will definitely be going back for more...Thank you Kirstie

Lucinda Gordon, NSW

Kirstie has a calm and welcoming studio and an extraordinary calm way about her that makes you feel relaxed as soon as you enter. She takes time to understand any issues or questions and gently leads the session allowing you to get the most out of it. Taking some time out to reflect on things is a powerful tool that is often ignored and she creates a very safe place to do this. Elizabeth

Elizabeth Balmoral, NSW

I have been a fan of Reiki for many years, and was introduced to Kirst through friends. I am so grateful to her for following her dreams - she is incredibly insightful, caring and such a calm nature to be around. Our sessions are transformational - l appreciate the time after and absorb all Kirst has to tell me. I am trying my hardest to incoropapte it all into my life as l want what she has....such a beautiful nature and honest soul....thank you my new friend, for everything.

Andrew Sydney