“I absolutely loved the way Kirst walked me through this session. I was able to completely let go and just be in the moment. Trusting that l am receiving exactly what l need right at his moment. The week after  l have felt my mood swings become less erratic, there is a distinct calmness within and l can honestly feel a stronger connection with my body and mind” Gemma, Wahroonga 


Chakra Balancing

A holistic practise that aims to align and harmonise the energy centres within the body known as Chakras. Originating from ancient Eastern traditions, Hidnu and yogic philosophies, there are seven main chakras, each associated with specific aspects of life, emotions and physical well-being. Each session is designed to open, balance and allow the flow of healing energy to run down each chakra. Using tools such as crystals, we assess each chakra through intuitive reiki and guided meditations. Developing an awareness of ones own energy and the state of each chakra is a crucial aspect of balancing. Becoming aware of physical sensations, emotions and through patterns will align your body and mind with your energy centres. 
Reiki transfers Prana – the universal energy, to promote balance and healing, as we focus on specific chakras to encourage energy flow. 
It is important to note that while many people find benefit from Chakra balancing it is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological care. Anyone with specific health concerns should consult with healthcare professionals. Additionally, person beliefs and experiences with chakra balancing can very and what works for one person may not resonate with another. 

Oh, thank you Kirst. I don't know enough ( yet) about my Chakra's but what happened today in our session has had lasting effects on me this week. Can it really be all down to the balancing? I have had situations change in my favour and have found the energy in our family home shift. I am converted and will be spending way more time cleansing and balancing x

Mandy Mona Vale, NSW

Thank you - this was a gift from my friend who has been talking about you for months. I feel emotional talking about the difference l feel internally and how externally l am seeing things differently. Thank you Kirst....l am so ready for our next session!

Sarah NSW

This is my new routine, wake, meditate, check on my chakras! Thank you Kirstie, so much of your time today was spent guiding me gently towards what l needed to bring in and what l needed to let go of. l am grateful and feel a sense of excitement about the yer ahead.

Emma Turramurra