New Year, New You

17 January 2024

I can always rely on my inspiration and motivation to kick in when faced with a significant change in life. A new season, turning a year older, beginning  of holidays. But there is something about the new year that brings with it a glimmer of hope, restoration and liberation. It is a time to release what no longer serves you into the world and allows you the opportunity to focus on what brings you joy and strength. Some years more so than others!

In the past, l have concentrated on crash diets, giving up alcohol, exercises – all for a limited time and with a all or nothing attitude. No surprise to anyone, they don’t normally see the distance and have no lasting effect on my lifestyle. So over the past few years l have gone a different way…each month focusing on one aspect of my life and either making it better or going without it. Giving up social media, alcohol, sugar ( that one felt so good l lasted a whole year) starting the day with three things l am grateful for. By giving myself just a month l was able to convince my brain and body it was manageable. A year can bring its own challenges but the sheer length of it can be daunting enough not to even begin. How many times have we said to ourselves tomorrow l am going too……waking up and lasting till lunchtime before old habits come creeping back in and justifiably so in our minds eye… 

So 2024, l am beginning with a little cleanse – my body has been a faithful companion the last 12 months and l owe it at least that. I strongly believe that Menopause has alot to do with how l feel on a daily basis and l am grateful to be able to acknowledge this. As women our bodies go through alot – this is not to say men don’t have their own problems, but being a women myself l simply can’t comment on that. Listening to my body, resting when l feel tired, limiting my social engagements when l am feeling overwhelmed or not grounded, all help to replenish my system. Energy healing is as empowering as HRT…l can enter a session feeling flat and depleted and come out feeling lighter and more energised. My body snaps back into focus and l can live to see another day….

For me personally – changing my morning routine has been the biggest game changer. Setting boundaries around what l allow in first thing in the morning – no phone until l have completed my yoga and morning meditation. Going to bed at a sensible time the night before, and getting up at 6 ( l know the great leaders of the world say 5…and l can see the benefits – but for now the kids are all on holidays so there is no morning routine we have to follow, allowing me extra  time in the mornings before they rise) spending time journaling and keeping a close eye on my to do list…When l follow this routine my days tend to flow better, l am more aligned and l am more open to receiving direction from spirit. 

I am excited about what 2024 brings…….l welcome the challenges and feel grateful for the guidance and connection from spirit. 

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